B School

Govt. Rank

Rank Overall Rank Name of the Institute Total Score Distance to Frontier
1 1 Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM-A) 1855.5 100
2 2 Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIM-C) 1854.5 99.9
3 3 Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM-B) 1851 99.8
4 4 Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (IIM-L) 1836.5 99
5 5 Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIM-K) 1826.8 98.5
6 6 Indian Institute of Management Indore (IIM-I) 1824.7 98.3
7 7 Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), University of Delhi 1816.6 97.9
8 9 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade 1655.2 89.2
9 10 Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay 1645.7 88.7
10 11 Indian Institute of Management Shillong 1644.5 88.6
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Distance to frontier score ranges from 0 to 100. Colleges that did not participate in the survey were rated on the basis of data available on their website and in public domain.