

Cancer Diagnosis Made Easier With NIRAMAI's Low-cost Software

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Geetha Manjunath, 

Founder and CEO, NIRAMAI Health Analytix, NIRAMAI Health Analytix
age: 54
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Geetha Manjunath, founder and CEO of five-year-old Bangalore-based deep-tech start-up NIRAMAI Health Analytix, has emerged as one of the most respected medical technology scientists in the last few years. NIRAMAI's new cancer screening software Thermalytix, which helps detect cancer at less than half of a normal mammography test that costs around ₹3,500, has been disrupting the market. The software uses machine intelligence to analyse images, which are taken to measure temperature variations on the chest and detect any tissue abnormality. The water bottle-sized machine portable machine is no-touch and non-invasive. "We have 1,50,000 images to work with and no one has that much data," says Manjunath. "Various studies have shown our results are 25% more effective than mammography," she adds. So far, 38,000 women have been screened and the company has installed more than 70 machines across hospitals. The technology is Cloud-based and scalable and can be used in detecting several other diseases. Already trials are going on to detect head and neck cancers, and the company has received approval to sell the product in Europe and Asia. A year ago, NIRAMAI also launched a Covid-19 screening application using the same technology. Five years down the line, the company is expected to clock in many millions of dollars in revenue, says Manjunath.